Welcome to In Education......

Welcome to my new blog. This space will be dedicated to all things education related. I will post ideas and information that I find interesting or useful for educators and parents. I would love to hear back from you regarding anyting education! This site is currently undergoing major development. Please check back often to see all of our new features and articles. If you have an idea for a topic or would like to contribute to website, please feel free to Email me. I look forward to developing a place where educators can share ideas to promote student achievement (and our sanity!)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Why I do what I do!

Why did I choose to become an educator? This is a question I usually ask myself from time to time. I need to take the time to look back and reflect upon why I do what I do. It certainly is not for the wealth or fame. We all know what it is like to go for a quick shopping trip to the mall or out to eat and have our students working at every other register or serving our food! When I think of why I do this, I always come back to this one thought--education truly is our last bastion of hope for society at large. Plus, it is the only variable I can control.

Our students come to us as they are. Yes, there are some that are prepared to learn, coming from supportive families. These children read with their parents and are exposed to all sorts of educational learning experiences. These are the lucky ones. What about the kids who arrive at our schools with little experience with learning and exploring. Unfortunately, many, many children come to us with this background. They do not have the supports at home needed to succeed. We are it. We are their hope for future success. Education is the last string of hope many of our kids have. It is a mighty task, but we DO have the chance to make an impact and provide what is needed for that child to succeed. This is why I keep coming back more than anything else. It is our responsibility to provide a sound educational program for all children.

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